Sep 20, 2019

Lightly Marinated Egg Yolks for My Version of TKG

TKG, probably as significant or even more so as America's BLT, stands for tamago kake gohan. Tamago means egg, gohan means rice. Basically by cracking a raw egg onto hot rice, and usually mix with soy sauce or other seasonings. It's one of the common breakfast dishes in Japan.

I've made a slight change here by emphasizing the yolks. Using lightly marinated egg yolks, not the entire egg, just the yolk, and serve with quinoa rice.

Lightly marinated egg yolks for my version of TKG -

Ingredients (for two)?

  • 2 portions quinoa rice
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mirin


It can't be anymore simpler. The key is to use high quality egg, and the basic measurement is equal amount of soy sauce and mirin.

Prep the rice first, simple white rice works just as well.

Prepare a container, pour in equal amount of soy sauce and mirin. This recipe only calls for 2 egg yolks, but you can always pump up the ingredients and marinate more yolks at once.

Carefully separate the egg yolks and egg whites. Only transfer the yolks to the sauce mixture. Cover with lid or cling foil, into the fridge and wait for 4 to 6 hours. 

I also checked half way through and give the container a gentle swirl, not necessary but just want to double making sure these yolks get marinated evenly.

Spoon the yolks onto hot rice when ready to serve. No need to pour in extra sauce like usual TKG does, since we already flavored the yolks and further concentrate the texture. It's now denser and thicker, very satisfying.

Besides serving this as breakfast, these marinated egg yolks can also be used as one of the side dishes for dinner. It also works great with yakisoba and yakiudon! 

Other egg recipes:

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